They are cast iron- the proven metal, they won’t disintegrate underground like aluminum or wood.
The are easily located no matter the depth and a dip-needle or electronic sensing device responds strongly.
They are secure in all soils, resist side and pull-out thrusts and if accidentally struck, the top will crack off while the bottom maintains its position.
Cast iron is abundant and low in cost.
Harrison Marker Styles
The Standard Harrison.
The Standard Harrison comes in the largest variety of sizes to meet the widest possible range of needs- tall, short, straight, and flared. The Standard Harrison is ideal for perpetuating original government corners.
The Extendible Harrison.
The Extendible Harrison works when your mark needs to be permanent and always flush and visible. When the surface height increases, just twist off the top and add spacers and/or legend tops as needed. The marker can be extended- even in 1” increments. No pavement is destroyed. No resurveying is necessary. There is no need to re-establish the point again.
The Slimline Harrison.
The Slimline Harrison has a smaller diameter of 2 3/4”, making it lighter for easier carrying and handling. The Slimline is cost-effective and It’s versatility can be used in any survey situation but is most commonly used for lot and subdivision surveys.
Custom Options and Accessories
Add-On Units
The Extendible Harrison will not need to be removed or replaced; the 1/2” top can be easily detached with an Easy-off wrench and a spacer with a legend top added. No pavement destroyed or resurveying needed.
Legend Tops
Legend are available for all Harrison markers. Legends in inventory are:
Surveyor Marker
County Surveyor
Property Corner
Section Corner
Quarter Corner
Other legends ready for foundry order are:
Bench Mark
Block Corner
City Engineer
Highway Dept.
Judicial Landmark
Meander Corner
Witness Corner
1/16th Corner
Personal legends are available upon request.
Easy-Off Wrenches
The Harrison Easy-off wrenches are designed for the Extendible Harrison and are available in two styles that make adding-on easy:
Surface Wrench
2” Reach Wrench